Here lies some of my deepest thoughts. Ok, rambling bullshit I think I know about.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Day 2

Note to self....  When you get a speeding ticket, you dumb ass, pay it!!  It is now five years later and I have moved states three times and I'm trying to get my drivers license here in NY, but, I'm on a big'ole DO NOT ISSUE list like I'm some sort of crazy bad person.  I swear it is a vague memory of getting a speeding ticket in NC that I remember and thinking I paid it (umm, sort of)  Really I think I went down and changed my Alabama licence for a NC one and forgot all about the stupid ticket.  Well, they didn't!  I have to jump thru hoops and pay $389.00 to NC and then another $50.00 to get my driver licence re-instated just to turn around and pay another $100.00 or so to get a NY license!  Stupid, stupid, stupid!  I hate it when I do stuff like this.  Anyway, I gotta wait for the ticket place to call me back and tell me how to pay the damn thing!  UGH!!

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Day 1

Here I go again.  Writing is going to be the death of me.  I know this yet I cannot seem to stop.  I'm going to try to write down whats going on in my life in an honest format and hope like hell it doesn't end up biting me in the ass like it has in the past.  One good this is I've given up drugs so maybe I'll remember what I've written and not end up rambling on.  Ok, maybe I'll just remember what I've written and use better judgement on what I put on here....or maybe not...LOL.  I know I can keep this a secret for awhile. 

It has been about 3 years since I've written anything in a blog like format.  You know, out there in the great internet highway of life, just waiting to creep up and ruin your life.  Ok, not yours just mine. 

In re-reading this I'm not seeing to much funny here!  Ok, here goes, I'm just going to post this and try to get my funny on in another post.  Maybe tomorrow.  Ya know, I think I feel a little better already.  Damn I missed this! :-)